The Effecting of the Positive Psychological Capital on the Entrepreneurial Mind in Case the Vocational Students in Mueang NongKhai District, NongKhai Province, Thailand

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Lan Tianyu
นารา กิตติเมธีกุล


This research aimed to find the factors of positive psychology capital and affecting level positive psychology capital to the entrepreneurial mindset of vocational institute’s students in Nong Khai Province.



The research was carried out to 291 sample students of four vocational institutes in Nong Khai Province by a developed questionnaire, and analyzed the components of the variables to classify the factors of the positive and the spiritual entrepreneurship. In the last step, find the second order Partial Lease Square Path Modeling (PLS-PM).


The founding of study

Positive psychological capital can be grouped into five components: resource management Personal Development Optimism, success, and problem management. The entrepreneurial mindset can be classified into four factors, business information, creativity, information and goal setting. The influence analysis deployed by the structural equation and influences reveals analysis that positive psychological capital highly influenced on the entrepreneurial spirit.

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How to Cite
Tianyu, L., & กิตติเมธีกุล น. (2018). The Effecting of the Positive Psychological Capital on the Entrepreneurial Mind in Case the Vocational Students in Mueang NongKhai District, NongKhai Province, Thailand. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 295–316. retrieved from
Research Articles


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