The Model of Development and Promotion for Sustainability of Social Enterprises in Thailand

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ทรงศักดิ์ ใจกล้า


Article entitled “The Model of Development and Promotion for Sustainability of Social Enterprises in Thailand” has the objective of research is to study states of general problems of social enterprises in Thailand, to analyze factors for promoting sustainability of social enterprises in Thailand and to present ways to perform for development of sustainability of social enterprises in Thailand The dissertation was employed by the qualitative research methodology collecting data by in-depth interviewing 2 groups of key informants: executives and operators from large, medium and small organizations that are successful social enterprises, can achieve success as a sustainable social enterprise, and society is acknowledging that they play an important role in contributing to society in accordance with the principles of social business.


The research result is found that

  1. As for states of general problems of social enterprises in Thailand, it has been found that in aspect of management: the social enterprises has made plan for society, layout Management of organization and a risk management plan, analyze size of organization for business opportunities as well as proactive strategic plan

  2. As for factors for promoting sustainability of social enterprises in Thailand, it has been found that organization's policies are clearly defined including driving economic mechanism, encouraging government policies and applying philosophy of Sufficiency Economy with the aim for sustainable business,

  3. As for ways to perform for development of sustainability of social enterprises in Thailand found that it depends on three main factors: part of social enterprise, community and public sector. All sectors need to coordinate in the same way with regard to economic stakeholders, society and environment with integrity and ethics as well as good governance to monitor the activities to be honest.

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How to Cite
ใจกล้า ท. (2018). The Model of Development and Promotion for Sustainability of Social Enterprises in Thailand. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 342–363. retrieved from
Research Articles


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