A Model for Development of Thammatipatai Community Leaders in the Area of Muang District Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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พระครูอรุณสุตาลังการ (ปรีดา ขนฺติโสภโณ)
สามารถ บุญรัตน์


This research was composed of three objectives as following: 1) to study the characters of Thammatipati performance according to Buddhism. 2) to study the process of Thammatipati performance development for community leaders in Muang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province and 3) to study the model for development of Thammatipati community leaders in the area of Muang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. Qualitative research was used for this study. The techniques were composed of two type’s i.e. in-depth interview with purposive sampling for 12 persons and focus group discussion for 9 persons, data analysis data classification, organize information and description.


The findings were as follows:

  1. The character of Thammatipati performance according to Buddhism found that, the Thammatipati performance would belong to community leaders which are regarded on the right than wrong voting, regarding on reason, regarding on the truth, regarding on right, regarding on virtue, regarding on community interest and no regardingon voting which are not being on righteousness.

  2. The process of Thammatipati performance development of community leaders in the area of Muang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province found that, 1) Input factor i.e. ready leader, sincere, motivation and the past experience. 2) Process factor was composed of six steps i.e. 1. To make a ready, 2.co-operative making, 3.sampleship, 4.to be admired from people, 5. Ideology making and 6. Communication and 3) output factor i.e. to be on duty of community leaders for Thammatipati performance development under themselves as the most completion.

  3. A model Thammatipati performance development of community leaders in the area of Muang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province found that, 1) the factors which are impacted to model for Thammatipati performance development of community leaders which are composed of good governance factor, polity making factor, community supporting factor and participation factor. 2) The component and character of Thammatipati performance development of community leaders found that, they were leadership aspect, experience aspect, educational aspect and social networking on society and organization. Thus, a model for development of Thammatipati community leaders in the area of Muang district, Nakhon Si Thammarat are following: TCL = GPSP+LEEN

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How to Cite
(ปรีดา ขนฺติโสภโณ) พ., & บุญรัตน์ ส. (2018). A Model for Development of Thammatipatai Community Leaders in the Area of Muang District Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 364–376. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/140545
Research Articles


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