The Success of Community in Protection and Solution of Problem of Youth Risking to Drug Addition in Angthong Province

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เอกรัตน์ หามนตรี


This research has 3 objectives as follows. The first objective is to analyze of risk behaviors to drug addicts among youth in Ang-Thong Province. The second aim is to examine the factors that are affected to success in the community for preventing and solving problem of youth who are risk behaviors in drug addiction in Ang-thong Province. The third objective is lead to the success community for preventing and solving the problem of youth who are risk behaviors to drug addiction in the Ang-Thong province. This study is to present the mixed methodology research, which are consisted of a qualitative and quantitative method


The results showed that

  1. From analysis of the youth situation to drug dependency in Ang-thong Province, the average age that aged around 12-15 years tend to increase. The drugs that are circulating in Ang-thong province included of amphetamines, marijuana, ice and new types of drugs. Using analgesic mixed with soft drinks cause intoxication.

  2. The study of factors that are affected to success the community for preventing and solving the problem of youths who have risk behaviors in drug addiction in Ang-thong Province is composed of internal factors such as youth, family, community, local leaders. Moreover, the external factors included of the drug community network, and organization of Drug Related offices.

  3. Recommendations for success community to preventing and solving youth risk at drug addiction in Ang-thong Province by using principle of participation in making decision, plan, procedure, benefit cooperation, and follow up assessment Furthermore.

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How to Cite
หามนตรี เ. (2018). The Success of Community in Protection and Solution of Problem of Youth Risking to Drug Addition in Angthong Province. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 434–451. retrieved from
Research Articles


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