The Process of Promoting Elderly Active Ageing.

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พุทธชาติ แผนสมบุญ
พระครูพิพิธ ปริยัติกิจ
กมลาศ ภูวชนาธิพงศ์
อยุษกร งามชาติ
ธนวรรณ สาระรัมย์
โกศล จึงเสถียรทรัพย์
สุวัฒสัน รักขันโท


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the living condition, family context and status of active aging. 2) To develop a model for active aging empowerment. 3) To study the outcome of behavior changing according to the active aging empowerment model. Research sampling are 30 active ageing. Research tools are the Buddhist elderly holistic health evaluation and Active aging status evaluation. Measuring 3 times: before, after training and follow up period, then analyzing data by Repeated Measures ANOVA.


The research found that:

  1. The lifestyle of the elderly is mostly farmers, a Laokhrang community which still have faith and believe in ancestry ghost (Phee Putachaobaan) until nowadays.

  2. The model of active ageing empowerment consists of three steps: 1 “Self-understanding... Dare to step”, 2 “Doing the community activities energetically” 3 “Expanding outcome for sustainability”.

  3. Outcome of behavior changing in 5 aspects are: a) the comparison of the average knowledge of the active aging according to the Buddhist psychology at the pre-training period, post-training and follow-up period. B) Analyzing by the Post Hoc comparison of knowledge among pre-post training and follow-up period. c) comparison of mean health behavior among pre-post training and follow-up period d) comparing the mean of the health behaviors mental, social, intellectual and holistic health behavior in pre and post training period, and e) in pre-training and follow-up period. In all 5 aspects come out with the significantly different at the level 0.05.

Moreover, there are also some empirical findings such as: There is much enthusiasm for participation to join the activities, Natural grouping, and with fresh and cheerfully participation.

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How to Cite
แผนสมบุญ พ., ปริยัติกิจ พ., ภูวชนาธิพงศ์ ก., งามชาติ อ., สาระรัมย์ ธ., จึงเสถียรทรัพย์ โ., & รักขันโท ส. (2018). The Process of Promoting Elderly Active Ageing. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 267–283. retrieved from
Research Articles


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