A Causal Relation Model of Environment and Positive Psychology factors towards Buddhist Holistic health of Families in The High-rise community, Bangkok

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อัครนันท์ อริยศรีพงษ์
กมลาศ ภูวชนาธิพงศ์


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the contexts of environment and positive psychology factors towards Buddhist holistic health of families in the high-rise community 2) to analyze the causal of environment and positive psychology factors towards Buddhist holistic health of families in the high-rise building community and 3) to present model of environment and positive psychology factors towards Buddhist holistic health of families in the high-rise community. The sample group of qualitative data were of 30 people who living in the high-rise buildings in Bangkok and the sample group of qualitative data with sample random sampling s consisted of 360 people who living in the high-rise buildings. The tools of data collection were questionnaires and in-depth interview form. The statistics used to analyze the data were stepwise multiple regression analysis.


             Research findings were as follow:

  1. The contexts of environment and positive psychology factors were good self, family and community health management factor 2. The happy family factors were related to all aspects the Buddhist holistic health. The highest relation is intellectual well-being significantly at .01 level and also found the significantly relation between the happy community and the Buddhist holistic health at the level .01 3. In Model of environment and positive psychology factors towards Buddhist holistic health of families in the high-rise building community, the four major variables to predict the Buddhist holistic health which were self- efficacy, elasticity, happy family and happy community can predict on the Buddhist holistic health between 64% to 75% (β = .372, .315, .245 and .110) (β = .372, .315, .245 and .110, respectively)

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How to Cite
อริยศรีพงษ์ อ., & ภูวชนาธิพงศ์ ก. (2018). A Causal Relation Model of Environment and Positive Psychology factors towards Buddhist Holistic health of Families in The High-rise community, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 5(2), 233–249. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/140261
Research Articles


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