An Operational Model of Community Enterprise Entrepreneurs in Lampang Province for the Situation of Corona Virus Outbreak 2019
Main Article Content
The purposes were: 1) to study the levels of entrepreneurship, participation, innovation, and financial performance of community enterprise entrepreneurs in Lampang province for the situation of Coronavirus disease in 2019; 2) to create the structural equation model of community enterprise entrepreneurs; and 3) to present guidelines to create an operational model of community enterprise entrepreneurs. The subjects were 304 community enterprise entrepreneurs acquired by quota and simple random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire and an analysis of the structural equation model. The results show that entrepreneurs paid the importance to entrepreneurship, innovation, participation, and financial performance at the highest level. The result indicated that the model was consistent with empirical data (c2 = 53.445, p-value = 0.307, df = 49, c2/df = 1.091, GFI = .982, CFI = .999, RMSEA = .015, RMR= .007). The outcomes of casual relationship analysis revealed that the entrepreneurship factor had the highest direct effect towards participation, followed by innovation, which had a direct effect towards financial performance. Entrepreneurship had a direct effect towards innovation, participation had direct effect towards innovation and participation had direct effect towards financial performance. However, entrepreneurship has a nondirect effect on financial performance but an indirect effect on participation and innovation. The results of the study can be used as basic information for the development or elevation of community enterprise operations for strengthening the foundation economy, affecting the overall economy in the future.
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