Article review process

Articles that are considered primarily from the editorial board of JMMS and will be sent to experts in the relevant field.
1. The editorial team will notify the sender of the article when the editorial team receives the complete article and checking the topic, content and print format of the article. Furthermore, we consider the conformity with the JMMS's objectives through theoretical and practical benefits.  In case of some article that it needs to be corrected the editorial team will return it to the authors according to the initial suggestion. The authors must be returned within the specified period.
2. The articles are peer-reviewed by three external peer reviewers in the relevant field per article to check the quality of the article whether it is appropriate to be published or not. In this screening process, experts will not be able to know the information of the authors. (Double-blind peer review)
3. The editorial team will decide based on the recommendations of the experts that the article should be published or should be sent to the authors to revise before considering again or deny publication.

Publication Time Period

1 year with 2 issues

issue 1 between January - June

issue 2 between July - December

The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is 2408-2619 (Print) and 2673-0367 (Online)

Payment Fee

To pay a fee of 5,000 Baht (between 10-12 pages, from page 13  the fee is 300 baht per page) Read the notice Click here

By bank transfer. Bank of Ayudhya
Account Name นางสาวอารยา อริยา
Account number 439-1-22598-6

Confirms Transfering 

By copying the transfer document with name/phone number and sent to or attach through the Webboard system.

The process of submitting articles for publication.

User Manuals and Submissions in ThaiJo 2

Criteria for submitting research articles or academic articles for publication. (Please study in detail)

Bibliography format (refer to library network, regional university).