The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Entrepreneurial Orientation of Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs in Phitsanulok Province

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Supanaree Piros
Tatnawat Chaiyesh



The research objectives were 1) to study the influence of transformational leadership on the entrepreneurial orientation of small and medium entrepreneurs in Phitsanulok province 2) to compare the impact of transformational leadership and entrepreneurial orientation of small and medium entrepreneurs in Phitsanulok province. The samples were 357 entrepreneurs in Phitsanulok province by convenience sampling. The researcher collected data by questionnaire. The statistics employed descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis in data analysis. The results found that transformational leadership influenced entrepreneurial orientation. Idealized influence and intellectual stimulation on entrepreneurial orientation. Therefore, the transformational leadership of small and medium business entrepreneurs should be developed and promoted. This behavior plays one of the crucial parts in driving businesses to survive in continuously changing situations at the present.

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