Developing the Potential of Agricultural Community in Huay Sai Sub-District Maerim District Chiang Mai Province

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Khattiya Kruntakapakorn
Suthira Sitthikun
Winitra Leelapattana


This research aims to study on 1) the potential of the Huay Sai Sub-district agricultural community for agrotourism 2) to understand the satisfaction level of the potential of Huay Sai Sub-district agricultural community for agrotourism and 3) tourism find ways to develop the potential of the agricultural sector of the Huay Sai Sub-district community for sustainable agrotourism. This study was conducted in a combination of research both qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative research used to study the potential of the farmers in the community. The documentary also for study all information needed. The SWOT analysis technique also used for understanding the area condition. The quantitative research used to study the satisfaction level of the potential in the Huay Sai Sub-district Agricultural Community for agrotourism. 120 undergraduate students from Chiang Mai Rajabhat University are the specific sample of this study by using questionnaires for data collection. The statistics used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The study found that there are strengths and opportunities in the potential of the Huay Sai Sub-district Agricultural Community for agrotourism. In Huay Sai has good weather with the beauty of nature views, having privacy, quietness, the agro-tourism group has members with expertise in production, marketing, agencies and educational institutes to support management. There is a comprehensive management of the production process of agricultural products, to focus on organic farming without the use of chemicals in every production process. As for the weaknesses and obstacles, it was found that the route to travel is quite complicated. There are no clear signs or coordinates. In addition, the lack of participation of the people in the community, people lacking knowledge in event planning management, safety management in case of emergency as well as the lack of public relations in marketing, and also the weather affects the tourist season. The results of the study on the satisfaction level of the Huay Sai Agricultural Community for agrotourism were found that the overall picture was at the medium level by studying in the dimension. In addition, the dimension of the study found that the service potential of agrotourism sites was at the highest level, followed by the capacity of agrotourism attractions at the high level. The management potential of agrotourism sites was at a moderate level. The attractiveness of agrotourism attractions was at a low level and the market management potential of agrotourism sites was at the lowest level. The results of the study on the development of agricultural potential of the Huay Sai Sub-district community for sustainable agrotourism found that should start with marketing development first and then bring information to public relations activities or issues of unique community agrotourism sites. Then, organize activities to increase the capacity of tourism attractions and increase service potential by creating an impression of attractions and services, especially the important highlights of tourist attractions, food, service, rooms, etc., until customers feel impression and want to come back again.

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