A Community Market, Strength of Economic Foundation and a Starting Point of Logistics Process at the Community Level : A Case Study of Community Market at Chachoengsao Municipal Stadium, Mueang Chachoengsao District, Chachoengsao Province, Thailand

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สุชานาถ พัฒนวงศ์งาม


A community market is the unique resource of economic rotation in the local community, which is still charming and well-accepted by consumers among the growth and stiff competition from big malls, wholesalers, retailers, and convenience stores.  The objectives of this study were 1) to study the context and analyze the amount of money spent on merchandise circulating through the community market held in the area of Chachoengsao Municipal Stadium, 2) to explore the database regarding the market's direct effects on the community’s economy, and 3) to examine the roles of community market influencing the strengthening of the community. The research instruments were interviews with entrepreneurs/merchants and officials of government agencies.  The data of income from merchandising were collected from the records of the Market Committee.  The target group to be studied was 203 merchants from two component markets: Community Enterprise Market, and the agricultural market, however, 159 merchants were selected to be studied in this research.  The results of this research were:  the community market consisted of Community Enterprise Market and Agricultural Market.  The income from merchandising was 50 million baht per year; 40 million baht from permanent merchants of Community Enterprise Market, and 10 million baht from agriculturists selling agricultural products.  The selling point to make this community market very popular is a variety of products from many local places.  The products are also different according to the season and are not commonly found in department stores.  In addition, most of the merchants are kind, friendly, and usually offer discount for customers as they made or brought the products from the origins by themselves.  Since the products are sold on the traditional local temporary stalls, which are not commonly found in the city, it creates the fantastic atmosphere combining shopping and sightseeing and it is worth for visiting. The products are also healthy and certified by the official organization. Furthermore, the location of this community market is convenient and easy to access, close to government agencies, a hospital, and institutes. Transferring local products to the community market is the starting point of logistics process which helps strengthen the economic foundation for the community.  Also, it is the association among upstream comprising of activities done by network of product makers in the community, midstream which is collecting, transporting, and distributing quality products to the community market, and downstream in which the consumers will be satisfied by with the fresh food and the price is reasonable, compared with the good quality.  Due to the community market, people in the community will have jobs, income, and it also creates the economic rotation in the community, which is beneficial for career development, society, culture, and to increase sustainable living and reducing dependency

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Author Biography

สุชานาถ พัฒนวงศ์งาม

Lecturer of Management Science Faculty, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


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