The PLS Path Model That Affects the Customer Loyalty in Hypermarket Business Thailand

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ภาวิณี ทองแย้ม


To study the PLS path model that affects the customer loyalty in Hypermarket business in Thailand. The objectives of this study are factors that has causal relationship with customer loyalty in Hypermarket business in Bangkok and the ways to develop customer loyalty in Hypermarket business in Bangkok. The study collected data from 814 hypermarket customers in Bangkok and Structural Equation Modeling: SEM and descriptive statistics were used to analyze.

The research found that the realization, convenience, quality environment, product and service of Hypermarket conforms to identity of trust have causal relation with customer’s loyalty. Moreover, the distance of residents from hypermarket is the variable between the powers of placing trust towards the customer loyalty in Hypermarket business. For the ways to improve customers’ loyalty in Hypermarket business in Bangkok, Thailand. Firms need to develop the product quality and safety. Also, determine standard and appropriate pricing for each product position to elevate the status to be widely accepted internationally. In addition, there needs to be improvement in the fields of logistics for managing inventory by using strategies in distribution. Moreover, increase middleman for better product distribution and as for marketing support. Finally, marketing promotion should focus on advertising that is more universal.

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