Structural Relationship Model of Organizational Learning Capability, Organizational Innovativeness, Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance : An Empirical Investigation from Parts Automotive in Thailand

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มงคล เอกพันธ์


The purpose of this research were to develop a causal relationship model of organizational learning capability, organizational innovativeness, competitive advantage and firm performance from parts automotive in Thailand and to study a causal relationship of organizational learning capability, organizational innovativeness, competitive advantage and firm performance from parts automotive in Thailand. The sample were 175 firms that collected by questionnaire. Statistics were percentages, mean, standard deviation, pearson correlation, factor analysis, and path analysis were used to find out causal relationship with structural equation models (SEM). The results revealed that organizational learning capability have a positive effected on organizational Innovativeness and competitive advantage. Organizational innovativeness has a positive effected on competitive advantage. On the other hand, organizational innovativeness has no significant effected on competitive advantage. Competitive advantage has a positive effected on firm performance.

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