Paradigm Shift of Participatory Approach to Value Added Creation for Sustainability of Community based Tourism: A case in Ban Prok Sub District, Samut Songkhram Province

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นนทวรรณ ส่งเสริม


This research aimed to find ways and means of shifting paradigm of establishing collaboration among stakeholders to create community involvement in the development of value-added tourism products and services in Ban Prok Sub District, Mueang Samut Song Khram District Samut Songkhram Province. The research used Appreciative Participatory Planning and Actions (APPA) approach to be a direction for studying it. The data-gathering activities included group discussion and exchanging ideas between the stakeholders in order to understand the situation and able to analyze problems of the community. The researcher played a role as a facilitator and observer. In addition, an in-depth interview was also conducted to gain in-sight information from their perspectives.

According to the studies, in the past, all communities, working on developing community based tourism, believe that the communities can do the same without looking into their natures and potentials.  However, neither everyone has or understands the same goals. It resulted in a new paradigm, suitable with the context of the particular area. The study indicated that the appropriate working way of collaborative network is the Creating Shared Values approach, which people can work to achieve particular goals together to create value. This collaboration depends on the project (Projected Community Relations), which neither person nor place is adherent to. In addition, this is consistent to Shareholder Leadership style, which is delegated an authorization to everyone. Leaders and all members have equal leadership as partners.

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