The Policy Perception, Executive’s Leadership and Participation toward the Effectiveness of Nursing Organizations.

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วิทย์ มงคลวิสุทธิ์
บุญฑวรรณ วิงวอน
หัสยาพร อินทยศ
อัจฉรา เมฆสุวรรณ


The purpose of this research was to study the important of policy perception, executive leadership, participation and the effectiveness of nursing organizations and to study effect of policy perception, executive of leadership and participation toward the Effectiveness of Nursing Organizations in community hospitals, Nan province. The population were 329 nurses of 14 hospitals in Nan community hospital .The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed with descriptive statistics of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics by path analysis technique.

The results showed that nurses to the importance of all factors at a high level and focusing on the effectiveness of the nursing organization first. The second was perception policy, participation and leadership

The results showed that path analysis revealed that policy perception had direct effect toward executive leadership the most followed by policy perception had direct effect toward participation. policy perception had direct effect toward organizational effectiveness. Executive leadership had direct effect toward participation. Participation no direct effect toward organizational effectiveness and executive leadership no direct effect toward organizational effectiveness.

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