The Presence of Electronic Democracy (E-Democracy) as a Democratization of The Philippines Government in Obtaining a People’s Vote

Riyo Rachman Gushardana
ศิวัช ศรีโภคางกุล
Muhammad Kamil
Tri Sulistyaningsih
คำสำคัญ: e-government, e-democracy, e-voting, Democratization, Election
เผยแพร่แล้ว: เม.ย. 26, 2020


          Along with the times, we know that information technology is developing very fast, not least in the field of government. In general, technological developments in the field of government have a system, namely electronic government. In this article, the authors will discuss the part of the existence of electronic government (e-government), namely electronic democracy. The presence of e-democracy in the Philippines was the topic of discussion in this article and took one of the issues, namely electronic voting (e-voting) in the Philippines. The method that will be used in this study is a qualitative research method, because it is considered by researchers to have characteristics that are in accordance with existing problems. This research departs from social problems in society and develops every time. The data collection techniques used in this study are first, literature study, which is collecting data sourced from books, literature, and statutory regulations that have relevance to the topic. In this article, later will be discussed on how the Philippine government to realize democratization in terms of general elections in order to obtain the people's voice in terms of the electronic voting system implemented in the Philippines.


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How to Cite

Rachman Gushardana, R. ., ศรีโภคางกุล ศ., Kamil, M. ., & Sulistyaningsih, T. (2020). The Presence of Electronic Democracy (E-Democracy) as a Democratization of The Philippines Government in Obtaining a People’s Vote. วารสารการบริหารการปกครองและนวัตกรรมท้องถิ่น, 4(1), 317–328. สืบค้น จาก


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