The Innovative Marketing Development of the Chinese Programs at Private University in Pathum Thani Province

Pallanit Ubonnuch
Trakul Jitwathanakorn
Wirot Mueanthep
Keywords: The Innovative Marketing, Chinese Programs, Private University, Pathum Thani
Published: Dec 31, 2024


This research article aims to: 1) Study the current situation, challenges, and development needs in The Innovative Marketing Development of the Chinese Programs at Private University in Pathum Thani Province 2) Develop marketing innovations for these Chinese Programs at Private University in Pathum Thani Province. The target group consisted of 18 key informants, and the sample size of 227 participants was determined using Taro Yamane's.A mixed-method research approach was employed, involving quantitative data collection and qualitative in-depth interviews using semi-structured interview guides with key informants. The findings revealed that:

         1) The most significant aspects of the current state of Chinese programs were related to People and Product. The challenges were mostly associated with Processes and while the development needs focused on Product, People, and Place. The proposed marketing development strategies for Chinese programs include improvements in People, Product, Promotion and Price.

         2) The analysis of questionnaire data regarding the current state of the Chinese program from the perspective of students enrolled in Chinese programs at private universities in Pathum Thani Province showed that, overall, the satisfaction level was high. In particular, most students rated their instructors’ knowledge of the subject matter as excellent, followed by the instructors’ morality, ethics, and suitable personality.

         3) The research further identified that the marketing innovations for Chinese programs at private universities in Pathum Thani Province should focus on four key areas derived from the 7Ps marketing mix: Product, People, Promotion, and Process.

Keywords : The Innovative Marketing, Chinese Programs, Private University, Pathum Thani Province


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Ubonnuch, P., Jitwathanakorn, T., & Mueanthep, W. (2024). The Innovative Marketing Development of the Chinese Programs at Private University in Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(3), 73–92.


Research Articles



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