Public Participation in Local Development of Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province

Somkuan Chanthet
Koson Sodsong
Danai Lamkham
Chittaphon Wilaingam
Keywords: Public participation, Local development, Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization
Published: Dec 31, 2024


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the level of public participation in local development of Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization; Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province 2) To study and compare people's participation in local development of Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province 3) To serve as a guideline for developing people's participation in local development of the Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province The sample group includes people whose names are in the house registration, aged 18 years and over, of the Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province, totaling 374 people. Simple random sampling was used to collect data. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. (Questionnaire) and statistics used in data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and hypothesis testing using t-test (Independent Sample) and F-test (One Way ANOVA) statistics.

          The research results found that :

  1. Public participation in local development of Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province Overall, it was at the highest level ( = 4.36, S.D.= 0.57, and when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was participation in evaluation               ( =4.57, S.D.=0.56), followed by Participate in receiving benefits ( = 4.47, S.D.= 0.61) and the aspect with the lowest average is participation in decision making ( = 4.12, S.D.= 0.73) 

  2.   The results of the comparative analysis of the participation level of people with different genders and education levels showed that the participation of people in local development of the Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thani Province was not different. People with different ages and occupations showed that the participation of people in local development was significantly different at the 0.05 statistical level.

  3.   Guidelines for public participation in local development of the Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thani Province include: giving opportunities for public participation in policy-making, planning, and projects that meet public needs, allowing public participation in community meetings in every village, and in implementing various projects, explaining the budget and progress of project implementation to the public.


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How to Cite

Chanthet, S., Sodsong, K., Lamkham, D., & Wilaingam, C. (2024). Public Participation in Local Development of Nam Phon Subdistrict Administrative Organization Nong Wua So District Udon Thani Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(3), 265–284.


Research Articles



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