Quality of Agricultural Services Mu Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization Mueang Udon Thani District Udon Thani Province
This research has the objective 1.To study the quality of agricultural services in the Moo Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization. 2.To compare the quality of agricultural services provided by administrative organizations. Moo Mon Subdistrict Classified by gender, age, education level and average monthly income and 3.To propose guidelines for improving the quality of agricultural services of the Moo Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Sample group used in this research study There are 245 heads of households in the area of the Mu Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization. In collecting data, a simple random sampling method was used. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. (Questionnaire) and statistics used in data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and hypothesis testing using t-test (Independent Sample) and F-test (One Way ANOVA) statistics.
The research results found that :
- Quality of agricultural services, Mu Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang Udon Thani District Udon Thani Province Overall, it was at a high level ( = 3.76) and when considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was knowing and understanding service recipients ( = 3.86), followed by the concrete aspect of the service ( = 3.78). And the aspect with the least average value is the response to service recipients ( = 3.66).
2.Results of comparing the quality of agricultural services in the Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Moo Mon, classified by gender, age, and educational level. and average monthly income Overall, household heads have different average monthly incomes. Have opinions on the quality of agricultural services provided by the Moo Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization They are significantly different at the 0.05 level. As for household heads with different genders, ages, and educational levels, There were no differences in opinions regarding the quality of agricultural services provided by the Moo Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization.
3.Proposed guidelines for improving the quality of agricultural services in the Mu Mon Subdistrict Administrative Organization include creating incentives for officials at all levels to feel enthusiastic about services.
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