Local Development Guideline for Infrastructure in Yang Khao Subdistrict, Phayuhakhiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province
The objectives of this research were to local infrastructure problems, and to recommend guideline for its development in Yang Khao subdistrict, Phayuhakhiri district, Nakhon Sawan province. Qualitative research was employed; there were 17 key informants, In-depth interview and data analysis by the syntheses and interpretation were used for thematic conclusions and narrations.
The results showed the following.The local infrastructure problem province was that village water utility, rather than regional system, had poor quality: water from the artesian wells was mixed with iron oxides and sediments in yellow cloudiness; it was dirty and undrinkable. Instead, they had to use the water from Chao Phraya river. Also, electric utility did not cover all areas and were damaged in some areas. There was not any public transportation; most streets were damaged and had potholes with some water. Then, street accidents often occurred.
The local development guideline for the infrastructure province, was that the water utility provided by the regional system should be supplied in all areas: the distribution system for their residents, The water from the wells should be processed through a filtering system before consumption. The reservoirs tanks should have the cleaning and maintenance routines. Also, underground water banks should be constructed to supply enough water when the residents want. Besides, the local public agency of the electric utility should intervene the maintenance: prioritizing problem solutions for accident preventions, increasing streetlights in all areas, particularly in the risk and crime density, and street sides, as well as cutting trees and branches obscuring the streetlights. For the public transportation, it is recommended that the residents should have accessible, safe and fast streets, and a village bus system in their communities. The streets should have road surface or pavement with concrete in all village areas for their strength and accident prevention.
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