Strengthening Community Wasted Management with Wasted - Management Technology According to the Royal Initiative for Community: Case study of Non Daeng Sub-District Ban Khwao District, Chaiyaphum Province

Dussadeeporn Hirun
Surawut Sudha
Keywords: Community Waste Management, Waste Management Technology, Royal Initiative
Published: Dec 31, 2024


This research aims to (1) Study the conditions and operations of solid waste management of Non Daeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization. in the form of solid waste management. (2)To strengthen the community's solid waste management. Using waste management technology according to the royal initiative. In this study The actual population that is the home owner or representative of the home owner according to house numbers in all 9 villages, by finding the size of the research sample from Taro Yamane's formula, yields a sample size of 335 households. The tools used are questionnaires and focus groups. statistical data analysis by frequency and average percentage.

         The research results found that (1) Waste management model results There is public relations usually on community waste management and garbage collection is done on a regular weekly basis also found that not enough trash cans. Development of solid waste management provide opportunities for the community to participate in activities and express opinions and proactively promote and publicize the creation of a waste separation network.  Participatory behavior in solid waste management people understand how to separate community waste. mostly food scraps are separated and thrown into food scrap bins. Including bringing pet carcasses the dead immediately went to shore. And in terms of waste management technology according to the royal initiative applied to the community, it was found that community agrees on the use of technology to decompose community waste. can be made into compost of wet garbage caused by organic waste. Convenience in waste management. (2) Strengthen the application of solid waste management technology according to the royal initiative to the community. The committee and village representatives decided to use the royally initiated waste management technology. Found that community leaders and village representatives use backfilling technology to make compost in 4 areas. To use as a guideline for study and create prototypes for public relations use Let's know how to use it. Public areas of the community such as temples, schools, and Subdistrict Administrative Organizations, etc. Consider the use of the area and the use of fertilizer in public parts of the community.


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How to Cite

Hirun, D., & Sudha, S. (2024). Strengthening Community Wasted Management with Wasted - Management Technology According to the Royal Initiative for Community: Case study of Non Daeng Sub-District Ban Khwao District, Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(3), 41–56.


Research Articles



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