Administrators Delegation Skills Affecting Personnel Management of Educational Institutions in Nakhon Pathom Secondary Education Service Area Office

Benjarat Pathomsuriyaporn
Thada Siththada
Keywords: Delegation Skills, Personnel Management, Secondary Educational
Published: Aug 28, 2024


The purposes of this research were to study: 1) the level of delegation skills of executives in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office; 2) the level of personnel management of educational institutions in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office; 3) the relationship between administrators delegation skills and personnel management of educational institutions in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office and 4) the administrators delegation skills affecting personnel management of educational institutions in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office. The population were 29 schools in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office. The samples of 28 schools were selected through the Table of Krejcie & Morgan. The respondents were school administrators, head of personnel management subdivision and teacher total 308 persons by simple random sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaires 5-level rating scale. The statistic used for analyzing were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson product moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research found that 1) the level of delegation skills of executives in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office were high in overall. 2) the level of personnel management of educational institutions in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office were high in overall. 3) the administrators delegation skills and personnel management of educational institutions in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office had a correlation in the same direction and there is a positive correlation statistically significant at the .01 level with a correlation between .906 and .956. and 4) the administrators delegation skills affecting personnel management of educational institutions in Nakhon Pathom secondary education service area office were consideration of personnel, motivation aspect, technical of delegation, defining the workload scope and work tracking. the multiple correlation coefficient of standard variable and predictive variable was .984, the prediction power level of 96.80 %, and the predictive error was .128, had significant at .05 levels. The regression equations in raw scores and standard score were

         =  0.646 + 0.407X2 + 0.107X6 + 0.160X3 + 0.151X1 + 0.249X4

           =  0.363Z2 + 0.112Z6 + 0.162Z3 + 0.159Z1 + 0.234Z4


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How to Cite

Pathomsuriyaporn, B., & Siththada, T. (2024). Administrators Delegation Skills Affecting Personnel Management of Educational Institutions in Nakhon Pathom Secondary Education Service Area Office. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 219–236.


Research Articles



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