The Factors Affecting the Selection to Study at the Bachelor's Degree in the Faculty of Law and Politics, Roi Et Rajabhat University

Seksan Sonwa
Supattana Seebutdee
Worachart Wariwan
Keywords: Factors Affecting Decision Making, Admission to Study, Faculty of Law and Politics
Published: Jul 29, 2024


         The purpose of this survey research was to study the factors affecting the selection to study at the bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Law and Politics, Roi Et Rajabhat University. A questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data with 71 first-year students and the data were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation.

          The results found that factors affecting the decision to study at the Faculty of Law and Politics, Roi Et Rajabhat University is rated at a high level (  = 4.07 ; S.D.=0.70) when considering each item in order from highest to lowest,                  the first 3 items were found (1) Terms of quality and work of teachers is at a high level  (  = 4.34; S.D.=0.67) (2) The academic curriculum, teaching and Management (  = 4.12 ; S.D.=0.69) and (3)  the image of the Faculty of Law and Politics            (  = 4.11 ; S.D.=0.66)

         Suggestions regarding the need for selection for undergraduate study the Faculty of Law and Politics, Roi Et Rajabhat University found that 1) There should be guidance at the school they graduate from to help shape students into public relations professionals. 2) There should be career guidance for each field in order to make decisions about choosing to study. 3) Faculty should create content about student studies in each field to present through online media to meet the needs of teenagers. 4) The faculty should have guidelines for reducing the initial application fee by 50% or have interesting attractions. and 5) Seniors with good or smart personalities should be given advice to various schools.


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How to Cite

Sonwa, S., Seebutdee, S., & Wariwan, W. (2024). The Factors Affecting the Selection to Study at the Bachelor’s Degree in the Faculty of Law and Politics, Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 15–30.


Research Articles



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