Public Development Service Provision in Phutthaisong Municpality Phutthaisong District Buriram Province
The research aimed to : 1) study the level of Public Development Service Provision in Phutthaisong Municipality and 2) to find Guidlines Development Service Provision in Phutthaisong Municipality The research populations had been 18-90 year-old determined by the Taro Yamane's sample size and the proportional random sampling method were the 378 local people in the area of Phutthaisong Municipality and research informers were 10 people. Research tools were divided with 2 types used for check list and collecting data was 5 rating scales questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation.
The results of the study found that: 1) A study of the Public Development Service Provision in Phutthaisong Municipality was in a moderate level of all aspects. The first three aspects of public service with a high level of reception were, administration management while the next was in Infrastructure and logistics development and the lowest was in Effective and transparent management 2) A guidline of the Public Development Service Provision in Phutthaisong Municipality was in a moderate level of all aspects. The first three aspects of public service with a high level of reception were, Infrastructure and logistics development while the next was people society development, strengthen economic development, Effective and transparent management and was in Infrastructure and logistics development.
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