Guidelines for Developing a Learning Organization Administration for Educational Institution Administrators Under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
The objective of this research is to investigate the present situation and anticipated outcomes management of the learning organization of school administrators. It proposes guidelines for the development of the management of the learning organization of school administrators under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 2, using a sample group of 142 school administrators 142 teachers, And important information providers, namely 5 qualified people, collecting data using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, analyzing data by calculating the percentage, average, the standard deviation of the required value and analyzing the content of the interview.
The results showed that 1) the management of the learning organization of the school administrators under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area of Surin District 2, the current condition, the overall picture is at a high level. The average of the organization management system is the highest, whereas the average of the group process is the second highest. The expectation condition is the most overall level. The organizational management system is followed by the workload distribution as having the highest average. The first 3 necessary needs analysis results are the workload distribution (PNImodified = 0.594). Diagnosis (PNImodified = 0.428) and coordination (PNImodified = 0.343), respectively. 2) Guidelines for the development of the management of the learning organization of school administrators under the Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 found that the most important thing to develop is the workload distribution. By using participatory management guidelines, the ability of personnel To be able to work effectively and determine the workload according to the roles and duties of each group of four departments, namely academic management, budget management, personnel management, and general management. Use judgment and analysis of the potential and ability of each subordinate to make the assigned work match the ability of the assigned person. They were followed by the diagnosis. By systematically Assigning, using information, and modern information in the organization management, And using the PDCA principle in the work systems of all four schools to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization that have been set out effectively and in coordination. By focusing on creating a network, Bring technology to help link groups of people or groups of organizations. To make an information exchange Create personnel with the skills to coordinate and Create a clear communication system.
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