A Study of Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary school Under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area

Chuankid Masena
Keywords: Good Governance, Administrative Budget, Primary Schools
Published: Aug 26, 2024


The purposes of this research were to 1) study Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary Schools 2) compare the implement of Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary Schools categorized by position, education degree, experience and 3) study suggestion on way to apply Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary Schools in Under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area. The sampling of 375 in total consisted of directors and teachers. The research instrument was five rating scale questionnaires which gained 0.97 index of reliability. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, content analysis and also F-test in case of statistical significances were apparently different.

         The results showed that 1) The comment of school directors and teachers on Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary Schools in Ubon Ratchatani reached high level generally. 2) the implement of Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary Schools in Ubon Ratchatani devided by position, education degree, experience held no different opinions. 3) Guidelines for using Governance principles in budget management in primary schools include the following aspects: Legal principles: Train and studying financial, accounting, and procurement manuals to enhance understanding. Moral principles: Allocating budgets based on priorities, missions, and the importance of the school. Transparency principles: Presenting school operation results to the school committee and disseminating them through the website. Participatory principles: promoting the involvement of stakeholders in policy-making regarding budget management. Responsibility principles: Clearly defining the responsibilities and appointing a budget committee with specific tasks. Value principles: Establishing a committee to monitor and evaluate the results and report budget expenditure according to various projects.


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Masena, C. (2024). A Study of Good Governance on Administrative Budget in primary school Under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 133–152. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2024.31


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