Model of Causal Factors Influencing the Development of Cultural Tourism in Bangkok

Phanya Khievboonchan
Sureeporn Khiewboonchan
Suphaphon Sorasittirat
Keywords: Identity of the Culture of Tourism, Cooperative Integration, Capability of Tourist Attractions, Development of Cultural Tourism
Published: Aug 31, 2024


The objective of this research were 1) to develop a causal model of factors influencing the development of cultural tourism. in Bangkok, (2) to study the causal factors influencing the development of cultural tourism in Bangkok. Quantitative research was employed in this study. Data were collected from 400 Thai tourists traveling to cultural tourist attractions through stratified random sampling. Research instrument was the questionnaire. Statistics analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and structural equation modeling: SEM. They were analyzed by using the statistical software package for assessing the consistency with empirical data, path analysis and hypothesis testing.

         The results revealed that the structural equation model influencing the development of cultural tourism in Bangkok based on theory was in line with the  empirical data c2 = 93.90, df = 47, c2/df = 1.99, p-value = 0.0723, GFI = 0.972, CFI = 0.99, RMR = 0.011 and RMSEA = 0.044. Hypothesis testing results showed that 1) the identity of the culture of tourism influences directly on cooperation, capability of tourist attractions, and development of cultural tourism, (2) cooperative Integration influences directly on the development cultural tourism, 3) capability of tourist attractions influences directly on the development of cultural tourism and 4)  identity of the cultural of tourism influences indirectly on the development of cultural tourism through cooperative Integration and capability of tourist attractions acted as mediator variables.


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How to Cite

Khievboonchan, P., Khiewboonchan, S., & Sorasittirat, S. (2024). Model of Causal Factors Influencing the Development of Cultural Tourism in Bangkok. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 379–390.


Research Articles



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