English Pronunciation Problems among Thai People and Remedial Techniques

Chadaporn Pokaisawan
์Nopthira Jawaut
Pichet Satwinit
Kwanchanok Nusong
Keywords: Thai Language Sound System, English Language Sound System, English Pronunciation Problems of Thai, Pronunciation Teaching Techniques
Published: Aug 31, 2024


The Thai language and English language sound systems have several differences, which result in Thai people encountering problems in pronouncing English. The purpose of this study was 1) to analyze the challenges in English pronunciation faced by Thai learners, and 2) to propose remedial teaching techniques. The methodology included a comparative study of the similarities and differences between the phonetic systems of the Thai language and English. The analysis revealed three primary causes contributing to English pronunciation difficulties among Thai speakers: 1) certain sounds present in English are absent in the Thai phonetics, 2) analogous sounds exist in Thai but are placed in different positions; and 3), Thai encompasses sounds alike to English, yet with distinct pronunciation. Furthermore, Thai individuals encounter challenges in pronouncing English sounds, encompassing both segmental features and suprasegmental features. These hurdles manifest in 1) consonant sounds, 2) diphthong consonant sounds, 3) vowel sounds, 4) stressed sounds, and 5) intonation. Addressing these pronunciation dilemmas necessitates strategic methods, including 1) utilization of minimal pairs, 2) multiple pronunciation exercises, and 3) integration of facial diagrams.

          This study concludes that the differences between the sound systems of the native language and the second language lead to difficulties and problems in producing accurate pronunciation. Therefore, it is imperative to address the pronunciation of Thai people. The solution involves teaching learners the correct characteristics and practicing pronunciation of the problem sounds using various techniques that have been researched and proven effective in accordance with academic principles.


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How to Cite

Pokaisawan, C., Jawaut ์., Satwinit, P., & Nusong, K. (2024). English Pronunciation Problems among Thai People and Remedial Techniques. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 391–408. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2024.47


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