Cultural Imitation Behavior and Acceptance of Popular Culture from Korea Among Thai Students

Rassamee Onpreeda
Thanapat Pueakpipat
Ubonrat Neerachkul
Keywords: Imitative Behavior, Cultural Imitation Behavior, Popular Culture
Published: Aug 30, 2024


The research has an objective. To study the level of acceptance of Korean culture among Thai students. To study the behavior and behavioral changes of Thai students in terms of personal behavior, data were collected using quantitative research methods from a population of 385 students. sample group The exact population is unknown. Therefore, a calculation method was used using the W.G. Cochran (1953) formula at a confidence level of 95% at a tolerance of ± 5%. The tool used was a questionnaire. The Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) was between 0.7–1.00. There is trustworthiness. (Reliability) is equal to 0.87. Statistics for data analysis include mean, standard deviation.

         The results of the research found that the level of acceptance of Korean culture among Thai students. Most receive Korean culture through Korean dramas. The frequency of watching/listening is more than 6 days/week. The duration of watching/listening is more than 3 - 4 hours/time. Follow movies, dramas, and songs for a period of 3 - 4 years. Watch movies, dramas (series), Korean songs from channels and applications and like detective and romantic genres. Follow because you like the lead actor. Therefore, it can be concluded that Thai students accept Korean popular culture from watching movies and series (Korean dramas) along with liking the leading actors. Therefore, there is an acceptance of living a normal life according to the movies and actors change their old cultural ways to embrace new cultures according to what is popular. not a change. Main culture of life. Therefore, parents and teachers should understand and accept the changes that have occurred.


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How to Cite

Onpreeda, R., Pueakpipat, T., & Neerachkul, U. (2024). Cultural Imitation Behavior and Acceptance of Popular Culture from Korea Among Thai Students. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 341–350.


Research Articles



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