Studying the Potential of Enterprises in Producing Quality Herbal Raw Materials in Cooperation with the School of Traditional and Alternative Medicine
This research article is a study of the potential of enterprises in the producing of quality herbal raw materials. The objective is to 1) study the potential of enterprises in producing quality herbal raw materials and 2) study guidelines for creating a network between herbal raw materials enterprises and the School of Traditional and Alternative Medicine. This research methodology was qualitative research. Data collection from documents, databases, and in-depth interviews with key informants were performed in 6 provinces of the central and eastern regions. These included 8 presidents or representatives of community enterprise members on herbal raw materials and 5 heads or representatives of farmers' members of herbal raw materials groups. The tool used in the research was the in-depth interview form, and the data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results of the study found that 1) the potential of enterprises to produce quality herbal raw materials has 3 aspects: (1) the readiness of locations and herbal raw materials; (2) the readiness of personnel in community enterprise groups and farmer groups, and (3) knowledge that can be exchanged or jointly developed between community enterprise groups, farmer groups in the area of herbal raw materials, and the School of Traditional and Alternative Medicine (STAM), and 2) guidelines for creating a network of herbal raw materials with enterprises in producing herbal raw materials. There are 4 approaches for the guidelines as follow: (1) a source of study tour and learning resource for students and personnel; (2) a source of personnel to enter short-term training courses; (3) a source for personnel to study in the Bachelor of Science program in Technology of Herbs and Health Claims Products of STAM, and (4) a source of practicum for students.
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