A Study of Ethical Behaviors of students in Faculty of Social Science, Pakse Teacher Training College, Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic

Vongpaseut Phothisalath
Chucheep Pratumweang
Pongthorn Singpan
Keywords: Moral Behaviors, Pakse Teacher Training College, Lao People's Democratic Republic
Published: Aug 27, 2024


The purposes of this study were (1) to study the students’ ethical behavior in Faculty of social science Pakse Teacher Training College, Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic (2) To compare the students’ ethical behavior in Faculty of social science. in Pakse Teacher Training College, Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic classified by gender, sex and residence (3) to study the recommendations about students’ Ethical behavior in Faculty of social science Pakse Teacher Training College. The sample group in this study are 148 students from the Faculty of social science, Pakse Teacher Training College by determining the sample size from the table of Krejcie and Morgan used as tools in this research that was a 5-point questionnaire with a reliability of .92 for the whole questionnaire. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test, and pairwise difference test by Scheffe's method. The research findings were as follows:

  1. The students’ ethical behavior in Faculty of social science Pakse Teachers Training College, Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic as a whole, was at a high level.

  2. The comparison of students’ ethical behavior in Faculty of social science, Pakse Teachers Training College, Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic classified by gender, the overall difference was statistically significant at the .01, classified by sex and residence status overall are not different.

  3. The suggestions on students’ ethical behavior in Faculty of social science in Pakse Teacher Training College are as follows: (1) The school should promote take care of students in Responsibilities in assigned tasks, such as doing homework, paying more attention in learning. (2) The college should rise awareness for students in the faculty to say politely and do not gossip about others. (3) Let students have more activities and being volunteers (4) The teachers in the faculty should take care of burying in the college, teach about Not taking advantage of others and the college should take care of orderliness Discipline in living together, such as lining up, waiting in a queue. (5) The college should rise awareness for students in saving energy, saving money, allowing. (6) The college should organize more religious-related activities, such as taking students to make merit at the temple. There was a sermon at the college once a month. Make the school campaign more clean. There should be activities that build unity. Be more considerate among friends.


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How to Cite

Phothisalath, V., Pratumweang, C., & Singpan, P. (2024). A Study of Ethical Behaviors of students in Faculty of Social Science, Pakse Teacher Training College, Champasak Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 8(2), 203–218. https://doi.org/10.14456/jlgisrru.2024.35


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