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Developing the capacity of caring for the elderly withdisabilities of multilateral local administrative organizationsin Lamphun Province

Apakon Panyo
Yathaweemintr Peuchthonglang
Prateep Peuchthonglang
Keywords: Potential Development, Elderly People with Disabilities, Multilateral, Local Administrative Organizations
Published: Dec 22, 2021


          The objectives of this research were to study care, role of community participation, and approaches to develop the capacity of caring for the elderly with disabilities of multilateral local administrative organizations. This research was a qualitative research. The research area consisted of 3 local administrative organizations in Li District, Lamphun Province: Wang Din Subdistrict Municipality, Dong Dam Subdistrict Municipality, and Ko Subdistrict Municipality. The key informants were 1) 15 executives and staff of local government organizations, 2) 60 elderly people, and 3) 60 volunteer villagers who were selected according to specific criteria. The research instruments were interview forms, and group discussion approaches that used content analysis and descriptive writing. The results showed that:

  1. Elderly people with disabilities are unable to perform daily activities independently. They need help or surveillance from other people. The key person are family members, children, etc. This requires the local government to formulate a policy for welfare assistance. 2. There are 5 roles of local government organizations, namely 1) roles according to the Elderly Person Act B.E. 2546, 2) roles according to the policies of local administrative organizations at the provincial level, 3) roles according to local plans and strategies, 4) roles in organizing Welfare under the Act on the Elderly, B.E. 2546 under Sections 11, and 5) Roles of Leadership and Volunteering

  2. The development of multilateral care potential for the elderly is called the VMCU Model. There are 4 important factors: 1) people volunteering 2) development and encouragement 3) caring and support 4) enhancing facilities. This model can build a strong network of volunteer groups in the people's sector and local government organizations to develop a concrete policy to help the elderly with joint disabilities.


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Article Details

How to Cite

Panyo, A., Peuchthonglang, Y. ., & Peuchthonglang, P. . (2021). Developing the capacity of caring for the elderly withdisabilities of multilateral local administrative organizationsin Lamphun Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 5(1), 285–298. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/250288


Research Articles

Author Biography

Prateep Peuchthonglang, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, 128 Huay Kaew Road, Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50300

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