The networking process to drive citizenship activities of the student organization in Nakhon Ratchasima Province
This research aimed to study 1) the context, roles and activities of the student organization in driving civic awareness building activities in Nakhon Nakhon Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 2) problems and obstacles of the student organization in driving civic awareness building activities in Nakhon Nakhon Nakhon Ratchasima Province. 3) To create a networking process to drive citizenship activities of the student organization in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. In which the researcher used a qualitative study method Data were collected from three sample groups using a specific random sampling method, consisting of academics, administrators and staff. The committee of the student organization of 40 students. Using semi-structured questionnaire tools. Analysis of descriptive results
Research Results 1) Status, context, role and activities of the student organization in driving civic awareness-raising activities in Nakhon Nakhon Ratchasima Province, found that there were various activities. Which is interlaced with activities in promoting civic awareness But the participants still did not understand the true goals of the activity. 2) Problems and obstacles of the student organization in driving the activities of building awareness of citizens in Nakhon Nakhon Ratchasima Province found that there are problems and obstacles in the important issues, namely Activity plans inconsistent with the class schedule Participants are not interested in participating. There are many steps in coordinating the organization. And reporting of activities, evaluation and auditing, no evaluation upon completion of the activities. 3) building a network of student organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima province to drive citizens awareness activities found that citizens awareness process consists of planning, networking. Organize the student council network organization structure Develop student activity leaders Create awareness, knowledge, understanding of the content and goals of "citizens" and increase communication channels. Create a form of learning exchange And create an assessment and review model.
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