Adaptation Strategy for Security of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
This research aims to study and analyze the challenges in the administration of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand in a changing environments current administration. Study and analyze the environment to adapt to the stability of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand in a changing environments current administration and to propose strategies to adapt to the stability of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. who are the groups of executives, 14 persons. The study was divided into Document Research and In Depth interviews. The In-depth Interview using a semi-structured interview for focus. The results of the study found that:
The administrative challenges of the current Electricity Generation Authority of Thailand, analyzed with the PESTLE Analysis 6 issues: 1) Political : That political instability and policy inconsistencies are challenging on energy issues. 2) Economic :The economic conditions Competition in electricity generation business The issue of imbalances between production and electricity demand, as well as the cost of electricity generation 3) Society: The awakening of people's integration and civil society 4) Technology: That technology is changing rapidly. Social Media Integration 5) Legal law: That the Electricity Generating Act of Thailand 1968 and Thailand Power Development Plan 2018-2037 do not comply with the current competitive situation. 6) Environmental: That energy shortages are fueled in manufacturing. Recognizing the global warming of society.
Corporate security management strategies,analysis. The 7s McKinsey concept follows 1) Strategies found using SPEED principles 2) Structure found restructure Organization 3) Style found to enhance working relations between executives and employees by adhering to the principles of good governance 4) Systems found that using information technology 5) Staff found that the position and systematically allocated the opportunity to grow. 6) Skill found to create research and innovation within the organization and use of information technology. 7) Shared Values found to be modernized and emphasized communication is important.
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