A systematic model that affects the development of the quality of life of the forest protection staff, conservation area office 7
รูปแบบเชิงระบบที่ส่งผลต่อคุณภาพชีวิตของพนักงานพิทักษ์ป่า สำนักบริหารพื้นที่อนุรักษ์ที่ 7
Research has the objectives to study 1) level of quality of life of the forest protection staff, 2) systematic factors affect the development of the quality of life of the forest steward and 3) establish and confirm systematic patterns that affect the development of the quality of life of forest protection staff. It is a mixed method research. The samples are Forest protection staff, conservation area office 7 in Nakhon Ratchasima, Buri Ram and Chaiyaphum. The research instruments were a questionnaire with 5 rating scale, question of Focus Group Discussion and valuation in systematic model. The statistics used and data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.
The research found that
- Level of quality of life of forest protection staff which is a result of the systematic model, found that it is at a high level. ( =4.07) When considered in each aspect, it was found that the quality of life in the body and intellect had the highest mean, ( =4.22) followed by the quality of life in the mind and emotions. ( =4.21) Quality of life in society and environment ( =4.15) and the least mean is the quality of life in the factors of living ( =3.69) respectively
- Systematic factors affect the development of the quality of life of forest protection workers found that overall is at a high level. ( =4.00) When considered in each aspect, found that self-reliance in the development of quality of life the highest mean ( =4.18) was followed by interests and opinions of quality of life development. ( =4.17) Policy formulation for quality of life development ( =4.11) Promotion from civil society in improving the quality of life ( =3.97) Inspection and evaluation of quality of life ( =3.95) development Governmental support for the development of quality of life ( =3.93) Implementation of the quality of life development policy Planning for quality of life ( =3.93) development and the least mean is Applying evaluation results to improve the quality of life ( =3.86) respectively
- Factors that influence the development of the quality of life of forest protection staff found that overall (p≤ 0.000) is (1) the determination of the quality of life development policy (2) the opinions of self-reliance in the development of quality of life (3) the planning for the development of quality of life (4) implementation of the quality of life development policy (5) The examination of the evaluation of the quality of life development and (6) The use of the evaluation result to improve the quality of life development The coefficient of multiple correlations is 0.733 and can jointly predict the quality of life of the forest steward. The Office of Conservation Area Management received 52.6 percent with statistical significance at 0.01, with a standard deviation of prediction 0.268867.
4. Systematic patterns that affect the development of the quality of life of forest protection workers The Bureau of Conservation Area Management has brought inputs and process factors that affect the quality of life of forest protection workers, to create to develop knowledge. Creating Attitude and Leadership development by applying the quality cycle (PDCA) to drive the development of quality of life in the high level in every item High consistency can be used appropriately at a high level
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