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The Role of Monks in the 4.0 Era : A Case Study of the Clergy in Surin Municipality, Surin Province

phra phongphat vicittadhamma
Wanchai Suktam
Jirayu Supsin
Keywords: The Role of Monks, the 4.0 Era, Surin Municipality, Surin Province
Published: Apr 19, 2020



The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the role of monks in the 4.0 era, 2) to compare the roles of monks in the 4.0 era, and 3) to study the suggestions on the role of monks in the 4.0 era. This was integrated research methodology between quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research has collected data from 330 representatives of monks in Surin municipality, Surin Province by using multi-stage sampling method. The 5-level rating scale questionnaire, with a confidence value equal to 0.572. The qualitative research section Interviews were conducted with 7 key informants. The results of this research were revealed as follows:

  1. The role of monks in the 4.0 era, overall the average was at the high level. When considering in each aspect, the propagation aspect was at the highest; followed by the education welfare aspect, the administration aspect, the public welfare aspect; and the public assistance aspect was at the lowest respectively.

  2. The results of comparison were classified by personal factors; it was found that age, year, Buddhist education levels, general education levels and status were different. The opinions of monks in the 4.0 era were not different. The hypothesis, therefore, was rejected.

  3. Suggestions on the role of monks in the 4.0 era it was found as follows:

             The administration aspect - the clergy has been using the advance technology as providing update in development, coordination and communication to each other through social media.

             The education welfare aspect - the clergy has appropriately supported the novices and monks who are studying such as providing scholarships.

             The propagation aspect - the clergy are currently using the technology media in the Buddhist teachings to allow everyone can easily access Dharma sources in line with a modern life style.

             The public assistance aspect - there must be a temple maintenance by keeping it looks tidy for the visitors. Also, the temple structures should be transparent, modern, flexible, and worthwhile, so the religious properties of Buddhism to remain.

             The public welfare aspect - the clergy has been implementing the public or societies by using temples as training facilities, supporting the activities, assisting center, sharing current events or news that be informed.

Keywords : The Role of Monks,  the 4.0 Era,  Surin Municipality,  Surin Province, 


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How to Cite

vicittadhamma, phra phongphat, Suktam, W., & Supsin, J. (2020). The Role of Monks in the 4.0 Era : A Case Study of the Clergy in Surin Municipality, Surin Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 4(1), 1–14. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/240754


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