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The Origin and Evolution of Fresh Market and Petty Traders in Sangkha District Surin Province.

Jakrapong Juajun
Keywords: fresh market, SanSangkha District, Petty Traders, ตลาดสด, อำเภอสังขะ, ผู้ค้ารายย่อย
Published: Apr 20, 2020


Research The Origin and Evolution of local fresh market and petty traders in Sangkha District Surin Province. Its objectives are 1) to study the development of local fresh markets and petty in Sangkha District Surin Province 2) to study the adaptation for the survival of petty in the local fresh market 3) to find suggestions for the development of local fresh markets. This research using an integrated research methodology, Is qualitative and quantitative. Is  results showed that the factors that caused the fresh market were; 1) Transportation, 2) Economic growth, and 3) Government regulations. Sangkha fresh market occurred during the year 1911 at the intersection with sugar palm. The villagers call the first market of Sangkha district as Ton Tan Market. It is later expanding into the city According to the development of the city a total of 4 times. Currently, Sangkha District Fresh Market is located in the economic center of the district and under the supervision of Sangkha Sub-district Municipality. The development of traders found that most traders are female and working as a farmer before and are local people. The reason for being a trader is earning better income and being a good job. The trading period is morning and evening, most of the products are fresh vegetables, pork, fish, from wholesalers who come from deliver to and pick up with an average profit of 1,531.55 baht. Minimarts and flea markets affect sales of similar products.

The way to improve and develop the fresh market is to focus on hygiene. Especially cleanliness, garbage collection and public relations for more people to shop in the fresh market.


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How to Cite

Juajun, J. (2020). The Origin and Evolution of Fresh Market and Petty Traders in Sangkha District Surin Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 4(1), 71–88. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/236843


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