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The Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province

Phra Sarunwut P. Panyapahulo Jindaphais
Phramaha Krissada Kittisophano
Thitiwut Manmee
Keywords: Roles, Administrator, Sangha
Published: Apr 29, 2019


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the levels of the Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province, 2) to study the comparison of the Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province, classified by personal factors, 3) To study the problems, obstacles and suggestions about the Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province. The research methodology was the mixed research method between the quantitative research and qualitative research. The quantitative research collected the data through the questionnaires and the population as the sampling group for this research was the 188 monks in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province. The data analysis was by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation; SD, t-test and F-test by one way analysis of variance; ANOVA, and test the differences of the average pairing with the Least Significant Difference: LSD and the qualitative research, 7 key informants were purposefully selected from experts and administrators. The tool for collecting data was the structured in-depth interview. The data was analyzed by descriptive interpretation. The findings of this research were as following:

1.The Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembang nangbuati District, Suphanburi Province for four aspects in overall, found that it was at high level(X= 4.03). When considered in each side found that the works revaluation was also at high level as X=4.05

  1. 2. The findings of comparative analysis the levels of opinions of Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province, classified by personal factors in overall, found that the monks who had the different ordination age and Dhamma education, they had the opinions to the Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province indifferently. But the monks who had the different year, Pali education and general education, they had the opinions to the Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province differently as the significantly statistics at 0.05 that it was relevant to the set hypothesis.

  2. 3. The findings of in depth interviews about the policy issuing, to set the policy and plan and measurement for working to get the objectives of administration and managerial administration of Sangha organization. For the planning, arranging the Sangha organization setting up the position and hierarchy like what position it was, each position had set up the duty clearly and who commanded. They should set up the good qualification like have the knowledge, ability, specialization, sacrifice. For the work, appointment by the principle of put the right man on the right job. By commanding and assignment in each person should be as the planning and having the control and keep in mind of the works and its problems and protect the leaving from the work or no work hard or corruption, For the evaluation, it was the heart and indication of efficient administration or how much of efficiency and when it had good evaluation and results, it made the Sangha organization understanding the more specialization of administration and could extend and maintain Buddhism prosperously in the future.


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How to Cite

Jindaphais, P. S. P. P., Kittisophano, P. K., & Manmee, T. (2019). The Roles on Sangha Administration of Sangha Administrators in Doembangnangbuati District, Suphanburi Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 3(1), 33–44. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/215706


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