Research and design to create multimedia for eco-tourism promotion Bo Hin Sub-district, Sikao District, Trang Province
This research aims to design and create multimedia to promote eco-tourism and study the satisfaction of tourists with the eco-tourism multimedia in bo hin sub-distrct, sikao district, trang province. The sample consisted of two hundred people working in Bangkok. Moreover, the objective is observing the quality of eco-tourism included two multimedia professionals to be the group of sample, and the equipment in this research is the multimedia and satisfaction evaluation form. Statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation. This research found that firstly the eco-tourism media quality was very high the satisfaction of the audiences were very high the multimedia was created to Promote eco-tourism in bo hin sub-distrct, sikao district, trang province that media is very good quality. It can be used as a media for public relations to promote tourism.
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