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Elderly Public Health Administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi province

Sakorn Luengaon
Keywords: Elderly, Public Health Administration, Bhavana IV
Published: Apr 29, 2019


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the elderly public health administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi province, 2) to compare the opinions of people toward the elderly public health administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi province and 3) to study the problems, obstacles and suggestions of the elderly public health administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi province. This research was a mixed methods research of the qualitative and quantitative researches. The quantitative research was conducted by studying the samples of 384 respondents which selected by stratified random sampling of 9,457 persons who were people in Khaosheejun sub-district municipal, Chonburi province. The sample size derived from the Taro Yamane’s formula. The tool used for data collection was 5 levels rating scale questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One Way Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Different: LSD. The quantitative research was conducted by In-depth interviewing the 7 key informants who were selected by purposive sampling. Data analyzing was used Content Analysis Technique. The research findings were as follows:

          1) The elderly public health administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi  province in overall was at medium level and ranked from the highest mean to the lowest mean was Pannabhavan, Silabhavana, Kayabhavana and Cittabhavana.

          2) The comparison of people toward the elderly public health administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi province separated by personal factor including gender age educational level and income per month found that the samples who were different of gender educational level and income per month were not different opinions and then the samples who were different of age were different opinions at 0.05.

          3) The problems and obstacles of the elderly public health administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi  province were Kayabhavana aspect: the eating of seniors was unsanitary and seniors not interested in fitness, Silabhavana aspect: the seniors don’t have free time to do activities together, Cittabhavana aspect: Seniors have the feeling that they have not value in society and Pannabhavana aspect: the seniors not have the opportunity to learn the information communication technology. The suggestions were Kayabhavana aspect: should promote the healthy eating and fitness, Silabhavana aspect: should have the activities for seniors do together, Cittabhavana aspect: should promote the activities in the family and Pannabhavana aspect: should training about the information communication technology for seniors to applicate in living


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How to Cite

Luengaon, S. (2019). Elderly Public Health Administration according to Bhavana IV of Khaosheejun municipal, Chonburi province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 1(3), 65–76. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/196865


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