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The Administration According to Good Governance of Sangha Administrators in Laemsing District, Chanthaburi Province

Phra Hirun Supajaro Chotchoang
Keywords: Administration, Buddhist good governance, Sangha administrator
Published: Apr 29, 2019


          The objectives of this research were: 1)  to study  the administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province, 2) to compare the opinions of monks to the administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province, 3) to study the problems , obstacles and suggestions for development guideline to the administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province. This research is the mixed research method. For the quantitative research uses the questionnaire as the tool to collection data from 125 monks in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province. The researcher had the data analysis through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation(S.D) , T test and F test and the qualitative research is the in depth interview from 11 key informants. The data analysis uses the content analysis technique. The research findings were as follows:

          The administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province , found that the monks had the opinions in overall was at good level. When considered in each aspect found that  it was  at good level for all. The first was the senior monks  are respected by monks and the speech was believable. The second was not issuing the new rule  and keeping the Buddha’s rules. The last was the pleasure of forest lodging.

          The findings from comparison of the opinions to the administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province, classified by personal status , found that the monks who had the differences of age, ordination year, general education, Dhamma education and Pali Education, had the opinions to the administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province differently. It accepted the hypotheses.

         The finding the synthesis of problems , obstacles  and suggestions to the administration according to good governance of Sangha administrators in Laemsing district, Chanthaburi province, found that  (1) The principle of regularly meeting , the Sangha administrators have the rarely meeting , no meeting with other originations. Suggestion should have the meeting at least  two times a month.  (2) The principle of harmony meeting and end of meeting unitedly, behave the Sangha activity together, Sangha : should set up the certainly meeting schedule by annually Sangha Administrators meeting calendar. (3) The principle of no issuing the new rule and keeping the Buddha’s rules that no destroying the Buddha’s principle, to study the Buddha’s rules, : The Sangha administrators should have the stickiness to the monks for behaving according to  Dhamavinaya. (4) The principle of respect to the senior monks as the father of Sangha organization , believe his teaching.
(5) The principle of self-power : should have the Sangha administrators works evaluation as the justice. (6) The principle of pleasure of forest lodging : there are many temples that cut the trees and no planting replacement that making the more troubles and then the monks and novices should get the permission from the abbot to go for meditation walk.  Suggestion :  In the temple , should support to plant the tree or replace the new one and should  have the rule for support the meditation practice or meditation walk pilgrimage. (7) The principle of mindfulness for new monks :  the new monks who have just been ordained that they may behave improperly should let the abbot check the monks identity card every time before making the decision to accept for living and should inform the rule and orders of temple to know first for every time.


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How to Cite

Chotchoang, P. H. S. (2019). The Administration According to Good Governance of Sangha Administrators in Laemsing District, Chanthaburi Province. Journal of Local Governance and Innovation, 1(1), 71–84. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLGISRRU/article/view/196836


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