The story of nation from the national museum of China: “Ancient China” in modern China

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นงลักษณ์ ลิ้มศิริ


Along with globalization, the concept of exhibition and display in modern museums has changed. Museums are taking a more cultural approach to their displays and the People’s Republic of China (China) in particular has changed in accordance with this concept, especially the National Museum of China which is an important national museum. The Chinese government has provided a considerable budget for restoring and renovating museum buildings to modernize them with technology and offer convenience. As a result, the museum’s exhibitions have improved most notably the “Ancient China” room. In this room, museum displays the evolution of Chinese culture and civilization consecutively from prehistoric to modern times (Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty). The exhibits present the nations development during each era separated into four main aspects: political development, economic development, cultural and social development, and foreign relations. Such a presentation manifests China as “A great source of world civilization which was inherited from diverse ethnic groups over a long time”. This creates a sense of cultural nationalism in modern day China.

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How to Cite
ลิ้มศิริ น. (2018). The story of nation from the national museum of China: “Ancient China” in modern China. Journal of Language and Culture, 37(1), 7–22. retrieved from
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