Innovative Leadership of Government Educational Institution Administrators under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission Chonburi Province
Leadership; , Public Educational InstitutionsAbstract
Development, innovation, and adoption are the drivers of development in all dimensions to enhance the country's potential in all areas, wherein from now on the focus will be on the adoption of creativity. Innovative leaders or school administrators must be up-to-date and keep up with the changes in society and have a perception of factual and reliable information. Innovative leadership is an important factor that causes changes in teacher development, school development, and organizational growth. Therefore, this research has an objective; (1) To study the level of innovative leadership of school administrators under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chonburi Province. And (2) to compare the level of innovative leadership of school administrators under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission in Chonburi Province classified by sex, status, and work experience. The population used in the research was 916 educational institutes under the Office of Vocational Education Commission, Chonburi Province, in the academic year 2022, with 916 people, and 274 samples. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), and F-test (One Way ANOVA). The results showed that (1) The overall opinions towards the innovative leadership of school administrators under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chonburi Province were at a high level. (2) Comparison of opinions towards innovative leadership of educational institute administrators under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission in Chonburi Province as a whole, classified by sex, found that there were no differences in opinions. However, Classified by status and work experience, both overall and each aspect differed in statistical significance at the .05 level.
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