Management Information System for Organic Garlic Cultivation
Management Information System; , Organic Garlic; , Internet of ThingAbstract
Organic farming is a process to increase the value of agricultural products. This is consistent with the current trend of people's consumption of nutritious foods. Meanwhile, agriculturists are also interested in employing technology to assist create and enhancing farming techniques for higher yields and quality. Therefore, the goals of this research were to study and develop a management information system for the cultivation of organic garlic that functions with the soil analyzer and everything has Internet technology. The objectives of this research were to 1) develop management information systems for organic garlic cultivation, 2) assess the effectiveness of management information systems for organic garlic cultivation, and 3) assess satisfaction with the use of management information systems for organic garlic cultivation. The population and target groups were selected by a specific method, consisting of 5 information system development experts and 55 organic garlic farmers. The information system and the soil analyzer were taken to test the functionality with the target groups and then used the tool to assess the efficiency and satisfaction with the system. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The test findings were analyzed using a 5-level scale.
The results showed that 1) the development of a management information system for organic garlic cultivation, it was discovered that the system was able to function extremely well with the soil analyzer and follow the user's expectations, 2) the efficiency of a management information system for organic garlic cultivation in all 4 sectors, it was found that the system's efficiency was at a good level and 3) assessment of management information systems' effectiveness in organic garlic farming, it was discovered that there was a good level of satisfaction with the system's use in all 3 areas. As a result, the organic garlic farmers applied soil conditions along with planting guidelines for each garlic age to more effectively and efficiently enhance the planting procedure.
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