Evaluation of Factors for Transportation Service Providers Selection Considering of Sustainability in Leamchabang Industrial Estate Chonburi Province





Sustainability, Selection of transport service providers, Industrial estate, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental management


Background and Aims: Evaluating factors in selecting a transportation service provider in an industrial area is important to be able to appropriately meet customer needs in terms of cost, reliability, and sustainability, which will help improve operational efficiency and create a competitive advantage. This study aims to analyze and evaluate factors influencing the selection of transport service providers with a focus on sustainability within the Laem Chabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi Province.

Methodology: A mixed-method approach was employed, involving qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative phase utilized the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and interviews, while the quantitative phase employed structured questionnaires. The sample consisted of 15 decision-makers across eight companies, including safety and environmental managers, transportation planning managers, transport company selection managers, hazardous goods inbound and outbound managers, and their respective supervisors.

Results: The findings reveal that the primary factors influencing transport service provider selection are categorized into three dimensions: 1) Economic Factors: Price (46.07%) and company reliability (19.60%). 2) Social Factors: Operational efficiency (13.60%), occupational health and safety (7.00%), and corporate social responsibility (CSR) (5.23%). Technology and Innovation Factors: GPS tracking transportation MGT system (TMS) and Warehouse MGT system (WMS) (4.5%)3) Environmental Factors: Environmental responsibility and management systems (4.00%).  Among 22 sub-factors assessed, the top three with the highest weights were payment terms (36.96%), service price per trip (13.56%), and cargo insurance coverage (6.17%). Overall, economic factors held the highest importance (79.27%), followed by social factors (12.23%) Technology and Innovation (4.5%), and environmental factors (4.00%). Transport service providers should emphasize sustainable strategy development and operational planning to elevate service standards and align with sustainability principles.

Conclusion:   The research results indicate that important factors in selecting a transportation service provider are divided into 4 main dimensions, with the economic dimension being the most important (79.27%), followed by the social, technological, and environmental dimensions, and strategies should be developed with sustainability in mind to improve service standards.


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How to Cite

Pengsomboon, W. ., Jirawatcharagorn, T. ., Thamasiri, S. ., & Luangyai, N. . (2025). Evaluation of Factors for Transportation Service Providers Selection Considering of Sustainability in Leamchabang Industrial Estate Chonburi Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 5(1), 1043–1058. https://doi.org/10.60027/iarj.2025.284914