Upgrading Tourism Management in Pao Riverside Communities by Using Local Resources
Efficiency of Community Forest Resource Conservation, Local Way of Life, Sustainable TourismAbstract
Background and Aims: To ensure sustainable economic growth and cultural preservation, community tourism management is essential for enabling local communities to engage in and benefit from tourism actively. It encourages genuine, meaningful travel experiences, reduces adverse environmental effects, and cultivates a sense of ownership. Thus, this paper aims; (1) to study and analyze the community tourism management along the Pao River using local resource capital; and 2) to enhance the community tourism management along the Pao River using local resource capital.
Methodology: This is qualitative research by collecting data by interviewing a set of questions from a sample group related to the care of local resources for tourism in the Non-Buri community, including community leaders, village headmen, group leaders, community development officers and personnel in tourist areas, land officers, officers from the Royal Forest Department, and the Tourism and Sports Office of Kalasin Province, totaling 150 people, selected by specific sampling. The research method is divided into 4 steps: 1) Collect basic data on people's participation in community forest management, analyze data by content analysis and descriptive statistics, 2) Develop a participation model using the A-I-C (Appreciation, Influence, and Control) technique and strategies of change (Strategies of change) with participatory action research as a technique for presenting descriptive data, 3) Evaluate the development of participation by evaluating the process using research tools, including interview forms, questionnaires, recording forms, and evaluation forms from a sample group of 40 people selected from stakeholders in the management of tourism in the Pao River community, analyze data by descriptive statistics, and 4) Dissemination and public relations.
Results: The study results found that 1) Non-Buri Subdistrict, 11 villages, Sahasakhan District, Kalasin Province, determined the structure of tourism management along the Pao River community using local resource capital in 3 aspects: (1) Planning aspect: determined the objectives and principles of tourism management, determined the rules and regulations of tourism management along the Pao River community using local resource capital, determined the area, determined the price of tour services, determined the marketing plan and determined the fund for tourism management by managing tourism along the Pao River community using local resource capital. (2) Implementation aspect: followed the plan, consisting of the management of the tourism group, the management of tourism along the Pao River community using local resource capital, safety aspect, marketing aspect, area management aspect, public relations aspect, management aspect, income distribution aspect. (3) Inspection aspect: inspected the performance of the tourism group, and the management of tourism along the Pao River community using local resource capital, consisting of inspecting the price of tours and inspecting the security aspect. 2) determined the process to increase the potential of participation from all sectors in tourism management to create more diverse dimensions and have support from the government sector, especially the budget and knowledge necessary for the community to improve the management of tourism along the Pao River community to be sustainable. Guidelines for developing and upgrading the management of tourism in the Pao River Community by using local resource capital by allowing the new generation of youth or communities to participate in tourism management, upgrading the management of tourism in the Pao River Community, creating a network to exchange knowledge with nearby areas to develop community tourism, upgrading the management of tourism in the Pao River Community, and the state should have a role and duty to support the budget and academic knowledge in all aspects for the Pao River Community Tourism Group, along with the introduction of technology and innovation that promotes tourism to be more efficient.
Conclusion: Strengthening the potential of creative management of local resource capital for tourism by using community participation processes and promoting comprehensive community tourism to improve the management of tourism along the Lam Pao River to align with current tourism trends.
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