The Development of Science Learning Activities Package followed Inquiry-Based Learning for Primary School Students in Pathum Thani Province


  • Witsanu Suttiwan Assistant Professor in Education, Faculty of Education, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage
  • Kiatisak Raksapoln Faculty of Education, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Pathum Thani, Thailand



Teaching Science; , Science Board Games; , Learning Package


Background and Aims: Teaching game techniques have been known to teachers for a long time and remain effective today. There are many types of games, but board games are currently popular. Board games are widely used in various subjects, including science because game designers can create mechanisms that train and develop students in diverse ways. This research aims to: 1) develop the science learning activities package following inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province, 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the science learning activities package following inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province, according to the 75/75 standard criteria. and 3) study the consequences of using the science learning activities package followed by inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani Province to improve academic achievement and scientific process skills for elementary students in Pathum Thani Province.

Methodology: The target group for this research consists of students from small, medium, and large elementary schools in Pathum Thani Province, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools include the science learning activities package followed by inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province. Data collection instruments include 1) an academic achievement test, 2) a scientific process skills assessment, and 3) a satisfaction questionnaire regarding the science learning activities. Statistical methods used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

Results: 1) The efficiency of the science learning activities package followed by inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province was found to be (E1/E2) 81.66/75.50, which is higher than the established efficiency criteria of 75/75. 2) The academic achievement of students who engaged in the science learning activities package followed inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province was significantly higher after the learning activities compared to before, at a significance level of .05. and 3) The scientific process skills of students who participated in the science learning activities package followed inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province were overall at a high level. 4) The overall satisfaction of students with the science learning activities package followed by inquiry-based learning for primary school students in Pathum Thani province was at the highest level. When considering individual aspects, content, learning activities, and the benefits gained from the activities were all rated at the highest level.

Conclusion: The science learning activity package, combined with the use of board games, integrates multimedia that can enhance students' learning outcomes. Additionally, board games can spark interest in the subject matter and help connect students with complex scientific content or skills.


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How to Cite

Suttiwan, W., & Raksapoln, K. . (2024). The Development of Science Learning Activities Package followed Inquiry-Based Learning for Primary School Students in Pathum Thani Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(5), 1193–1212.