The Organizational Culture of the Royal Thai Police Affecting Performance Competency of Police Officers
Organizational Culture; , Performance Competency; , Police OfficersAbstract
Background and Objectives: Employee behaviors, values, and the workplace are shaped by organizational culture, which encourages creativity and teamwork. Employee satisfaction, general productivity, and the organization's capacity for change adaptation are all directly impacted. This study aims to 1) examine the organizational culture of the Royal Thai Police and its impact on police officers' operational performance, 2) analyze approaches to developing organizational culture to enhance work efficiency, and 3) propose organizational culture strategies that positively influence police officers' performance.
Methodology: This qualitative research collected data through in-depth interviews with 20 police officers divided into four groups: investigation, discipline, administration, and information technology. Data analysis focused on uncovering facts and systematically summarizing findings, supported by theoretical frameworks.
Results: (1) Organizational culture that enhances police officers' operational efficiency includes leaders with strong leadership, vision, and capability to drive the organization towards its goals. Continuous training and development were also critical for improving work quality. (2) Strategies for developing organizational culture emphasize boosting morale, such as revising compensation and benefits to align with current economic conditions, ensuring fair promotion practices, and efficiently managing organizational resources, including personnel, budgets, and equipment.
Conclusion: Monitoring and evaluating work performance while considering quality of life and fair compensation help motivate and encourage officers to perform their duties willingly and with commitment, ultimately driving the organization toward success and sustainability.
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