Image Influence and Loyalty Towards Purchasing Decisions of Consumers in Modern Retail Stores in the Northeast
Image, Loyalty, DecisionsAbstract
Background and Aims: Modern retail businesses focus on creating unique selling points by offering high-quality consumer goods at standardized prices. This strategy attracts a relatively homogeneous target audience. As a result, the organization’s image and the quality of service lead to repeat purchases and customer loyalty toward modern retail outlets. These elements are critical to the marketing success of modern retail businesses. The objectives of this study are 1. To study the influence of image on consumers' purchasing decisions in modern retail stores in the Northeast. 2. To study the influence of loyalty on consumers' purchasing decisions in modern detail stores in the Northeast.
Methodology: This study is a quantitative research study, by collecting 400 questionnaires from consumers who have purchased products in modern retail stores in the Northeast, using questionnaires as a tool for collecting data. Hypothesis testing uses multiple regression analysis test statistics.
Results: The results of the hypothesis testing found that the influence of the image affected the significance at the 0.05 level. Considering each aspect, it was found that the product aspect and the atmosphere within the store influenced consumer purchasing decisions in modern retail stores in the Northeast, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. In addition, it was found that loyalty influenced consumer purchasing decisions in modern retail stores in the Northeast. With statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Considering each aspect, it was found that attitude and behavior Influenced consumer purchasing decisions in modern retail stores in the Northeast with statistical significance at the 0.05 level, respectively. Consequently, modern retail stores must examine brand image and customer loyalty as they relate to consumer purchasing decisions.
Conclusion: This analysis should inform strategic planning and operational strategies that effectively address consumer needs by providing quality products and fostering a positive in-store environment. These initiatives can enhance customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, thereby helping to retain the customer base and achieve sustainable growth in the future.
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