Self-Confidence and Fitness Exercise of People in Bangkok
Self-confidence, Exercise, Fitness centersAbstract
Background and Aims: From the current events, people are paying more attention to exercise to have good health and to have a good personality. The purpose of this research is to study the self-confidence and exercising in fitness center of people in Bangkok Province. In order to know the behavior in exercising in fitness gyms and the self-confidence and exercising in fitness center of people in Bangkok Province. The results of the study can be used to plan strategies to attract more customers target group.
Methodology: This research is a mixed method that combines qualitative and quantitative studies. The population used in the study was people in Bangkok who exercised in fitness centers. Since the exact population size was unknown, the sample size could be calculated from W.G. Cochran's unknown sample size formula, with a 95 percent confidence level and a 5 percent error level. The sample size was at least 384. The researcher used a total sample size of 400 samples, which passed the criteria set by the conditions, which was no less than 384 samples. The tools used were questionnaires with an IOC value between 0.66-1.00. The questionnaires were also tested with 30 non-sample populations. After that, the researcher conducted all the questionnaires according to the research steps and analyzed the data from the questionnaires statistically.
Results: 1) Factors related to exercise behavior in fitness centers and self-confidence of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers are not different. 2) Factors related to gender have no effect on exercise behavior in fitness centers and self-confidence of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers. 3) Factors related to status, education, and income have no effect on exercise behavior in fitness centers, but have no effect on self-confidence of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers at a significant difference at .05.
Conclusion: Factors related to self-confidence are related to exercise behavior of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers. Understanding the relationship between exercise behavior and self-confidence is therefore important to promote exercise participation and promote positive outcomes.
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